Unparalleled Market Presence
Avanti has been a well-known buyer of residential and commercial land for more than 30 years. Avanti has a reputation for quickly and reliably closing transactions, including complex recapitalizations involving multiple parties.
Value-Driven Underwriting Philosophy
Avanti continues to underwrite its residential investments with the expectation that the relationship of median house price to median income will stay close to the historical norm that has been maintained for decades. Avanti underwrites commercial land on market rents that are realistic under current commercial conditions.
History of Acquiring Land with Equity Capital
Historically, Avanti has been an “all cash” buyer and seeks to manage its own land portfolio from strength.
Disciplined Disposition History
Avanti’s disciplined and analytically rigorous approach to land investment led it to recognize the housing bubble by 2003; Avanti disposed of the majority of its residential portfolio from 2003 through 2007 and released 24% of the capital commitment of the 4th ASLI fund because of the overheated investment climate.
Avanti’s Target Markets Are Growing
Avanti’s target markets grow faster than the national average, with an average historical population growth rate of approximately 2%, well in excess of the national average of less than 1% over the same period. The economic growth in these markets will capture a significant share of the household formation of the Millennial generation. In addition, many of Avanti’s target markets are retirement destinations and will thus capture significant growth from the Baby Boom generation.